Monday, May 11, 2009

I cut some roots of my tree (when dividing a perennial), now the roots are sprouting. How to stop that?

I cut some roots by accident on my weeping cherry tree when I was dividing a daylily. The roots are constantly sprouting now, how do i stop that? Thanks!

I cut some roots of my tree (when dividing a perennial), now the roots are sprouting. How to stop that?
I had this occur with a honey locust tree.

I just kept cutting the new shoots to ground level whenever they sprouted. It took a couple of growing seasons and diligence, but eventually the suckers stopped coming up and it didn't harm the tree or other plants planted in the same area.

How do I kill off fescue and crabgrass with out chemicals?

My flower bed has been taken over by fescue and crabgrass, is there a way to kill off the weed seeds without killing the Iris and DayLily in the same bed. Do not want to use chemical as have a 4 yr old grandson who plays in that area.

How do I kill off fescue and crabgrass with out chemicals?
Try spraying the leaves of the plants you don't want with bleach. Yup, good old household beach. You may want to take an old empty bottle cut the bottom out so you can place it around the plants you don't want then spray the bleach in the opening of that bottle. That way you don't get bleach on anything but the plant you want to kill. The other way to do it is good old table salt. Sprinkle the salt at the base of the plant. When it rains, the salt dissolves into the soil and dries the roots out. The problem with that though, is it may kill some of the other plants that the salt leaches to in the rain.
Reply:Depends how closely planted it is. If not too dense, i would pul up all the weeds you can see then mulch with about 4 thicknesses of newspaper, overlapped well at the edges and put some compost or grass clippings or other loose mulch thickly on top. This will stop seeds germinating and will help to kill off the roots left in. But make sure the soil is well watered before you do it as rain will not penetrate well. The newspaper will rot by next spring.
Reply:you cant

Is it okay to eat lily buds(golden needles) while breastfeeding?

I use lily buds, also known as golden needles in my asian cooking. Is it okay to eat this while breastfeeding? The lily bud is often used in asian dishes and comes from the edible parts of the daylily. Thanks!

Is it okay to eat lily buds(golden needles) while breastfeeding?
No problem. They are delicious when added into Chup Chye (Chinese vegetable stew). they are high in fiber and contains no calorie.
Reply:It's a form of vegetable so i think its fine... But anything too much is bad for you...

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Daylily's *Happy Returns* Hemerocallis?

I have some of these on the side of my house. I don't want to move them. But I would like to expand the to the other side of the house also. Can I take a piece of the exsisting flower and move it. How is this done. When should it be done.

Daylily's *Happy Returns* Hemerocallis?
You could easily divide them, and in fact, as they get overgrown, it is something you should probably do. Dig them up and split them apart. Probably the autumn is the best time.
Reply:Daylilies are about unkillable . Don't be afraid! Go for it . Report It

Reply:yep. that's right. Divide the plants in the fall. That's the easiest way to do it..

How to plant daylily's seeds?

Although daylilies normally grow from a bulbs (you don't really see daylily seeds at the store), yes, they produce viable seeds if you do it right. It's difficult but rewarding to grow bulbs from seeds.

Wait until the seeds are ripe--it's pretty easy to tell because the pods are brown and all. Scatter the seeds evenly in a clay pot of a special, sterilized, germinating mix of potting soil. Keep moist in a shady spot. At the end of the second growing season, move to a larger pot.

It takes over three years for them to reach flowering size.

IMPORTANT NOTE: But really, the best way to reproduce daylilies is to plant the bulblets that sprout on the sides of the bulb.

How to plant daylily's seeds?
You need to break off some of the root when the plant is too crowded. Lay the bulbs sideways. And I think they should be placed shallowly.

Daylily seed?

how do you use daylily seed?

Daylily seed?
Daylilies, or hemerocallis, is grown from bareroot stock, rather than seed or bulbs. You can thus take a small portion of an existing plant and re-root it in a new location. Most people with daylilies would be delighted to give you a start. Stella D'oro daylilies are the most reliable and common. If you want to buy them, they come in a bag of 6-12 roots for $5-$8 at your ocal Home Depot of Lowes..
Reply:They do form seeds, but I have never tried to grow them, nor have I had one reseed itself when I leave the flower stems on until spring....Good question. Generally they are grown from root divisions.
Reply:You don't, day-lily's are a bulb.

Plant (daylily) leaves/frons turning yellow?

I bought them four days ago. They sat in the pots with good soil in the sun, but I made sure they had water, too. The frons are turning yellow. They are supposed to be planted in full sun. Too much water? I am planting them in the ground right now.

Plant (daylily) leaves/frons turning yellow?
Shock and stress will cause some yellowing in daylilies. Go ahead and plant them in the ground. These are very forgiving plants. Well water well until the plant is established. You can also use a root starter on them to lessen the shock.
Reply:So I am wondering if the plants you bought were fresh dug or container grown. If they were dug for sale and stuffed into a pot it is no surprise they are stressing out. Container grown plants should not be turning yellow but it could happen in an afternoon if they got extremely dry, or, if the plants were grown too close together and the bases of the leaves had no exposure to sunlight in the nursery. You could diagnose this latter condition if the base of the leaves is very pale green or white.

They will most likely be fine. Make sure you are not over or underwatering them this summer and plan for a better look next year.
Reply:you will have a few to turn yellow it is sock from being trans planted, keep the soil just damp and try some Mariel grow plant fertilizer
Reply:They have just finished blooming and do not need a lot of water now. They should not be turning yellow yet. Cut back on water but realize that they may be going through shock. This is the wrong time to transplant them (August/September).

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Daylily seeds?

I have yellow daylillies that are done flowering. They have pods with little black seeds. I always thought lillies spread through their root systems. Can I harvest the seeds %26amp; try to start them in spring? Any tips on starting them?

Daylily seeds?
Yes! Leave the pods on the plant long enough for them to mature. In the fall (or as soon as you notice the pod starting to split open) remove the pod from the stem and store until next spring. I generally store the pod, wrapped in paper towels, in a glass or plastic jar or container in the refrigerator for 6 months to 5 years. I speak from experience when I warn you to make a note on the paper towel as a reminder of which seeds are which plant. In the spring, plant the seeds. My best successes have been when I barely cover the seeds, in pots, water from the bottom and mist the top. Transplant into your garden when the have grown at least 4 inches.
Reply:Funny, I just noticed the same thing with my daylillies. I know that when you buy these they are bulbs, and I know for a fact that when you want to divide daylillies, you wait until late summer when they are done flowering and you divide the roots.

However, as far as those "seed pods" I really don't know, but I am fairly sure that you will not get daylillies if you plant them.
Reply:Yes. Keep them in a dry place, like in a paper bag with some rice to absorb any moisture and plant in spring. I do it every year.

I have hybridized daylily seeds from 2006. Will they grow if I plant them this year?

Plant them immediately, right now, even if you have to dig thru the snow. Plant them now.

I planted mine in December here in Chicago every year. And they come up;

Now on Hybrids, those of course revert back to the originals, who knows what you will get on those. I am surprised to learn that there are hybrids in daylillies as that pollen is airborne quite easily and what would you cut off without disturbing the pollen base on these? I know they say hybrid, but i doubt it.

I have hybridized daylily seeds from 2006. Will they grow if I plant them this year?
Try it and see. Some seeds will not grow at all if you are crossing hybrids. Sometimes the seeds of hybrids will be sterile. That's one reason they make say, grapes, from cuttings instead of seeds.
Reply:Finally somebody else into daylilies. I also crosspollinated my daylilies and saved the seeds for this year. I just asked a similar question yesterday but got no answers.

Last year when I planted the seeds nothing grew. This year I was much more careful collecting them and recording. I do have them in the refrigerator but I'm not sure when to plant them. Good luck.
Reply:yes they will daylilys are very easy to grow and need little maintanance they will do just fine.
Reply:yes. but this time of year if they are not in the freezer, you might want to put them there for a couple weeks before planting. As they defrost in planting they will grow.

Where to buy the daylily named "hannah my love"?

daylily with the name hannah

Where to buy the daylily named "hannah my love"?
if you "google" the name of this plant, you will find it on the internet.

I same some beautiful cream colored flowers with a plum colored center. It look a daylily?.?

Do daylilies come in colors other then yellow and orange? This plant was beautiful.

I same some beautiful cream colored flowers with a plum colored center. It look a daylily?.?

No longer known as the "ditch lily" today's daylily hybrids are fast becoming one of the most beautiful garden plants. Second only to the Rose among plant collectors it come is in shades of cream up to the deepest plums and purples. I have some dark red blooming in my yard at the moment and they are beautiful. I have some in lilac purple, apricot and lavender. The lavender bloom are diamond dusted %26amp; are 5 inches wide.

All of mine are of the reblooming type and i have some in bloom year around. Last Christmas Day both my Roses and daylilies were in full bloom %26amp; it was a sight to see.

There are some nursearies in southern california that grow only hybrid daylilies and ship them around the world. If you haven't checked out the new daylilies yet you are really in for a surprise.
Reply:Although I still love the old time orange daylilies common to abandoned homesteads and roadsides, I have grown to enjoy all the colors now available to gardeners. Yes, daylilies DO come in the colors you have described.

I believe a bicolor daylily is when three of its tepals are bicolored and three are of one solid color.
Reply:daylillies come in a ton of colors, go to and look at all their varieties! check this one out

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